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Prof. Dawei Wang

Principal Investigator

The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and economics

External Faculty, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems

Prof. Haipeng Shen

Co-Principal Investigator

The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and economics

Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow, American Statistical Association

Prof. Brian Uzzi

Core Lab Member (Visiting)

Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management

Co-Director, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems

Prof. Krishna Savani

Core Lab Member

Department of Management and Marketing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Associate Editor at OBHDP

Lab Members

Core Members

Yali Che

Doctoral Student

Zhejiang University School of Management, Management (Organizational Studies)


Huajie (Joel) Lou

Yizhuo Chang

Undergraduate Research Assistant

University of California, Los Angeles, Data Science and Mathematics

Yu Feng

Post-Doctoral Student

The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and economics

Zhan (Jerry) Chai

Senior Engineer (Visiting)

Senior Software Engineer at TechStyle Fashion Group, California USA

Zikang Dai

Pre-Doctoral Student

The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and economics